
作者:Matt Overing


一名应届毕业生获得了兰格尔奖学金, a highly competitive award for individuals interested in foreign affairs and diplomacy.

Mary Kamikazi ’21 has always had an aptitude for taking on new challenges.

布隆迪人, Kamikazi has made the most of every opportunity — from her lived experience as a refugee in Africa to immersing herself in college and service as a Bonner Scholar, 到在通用电气和亚马逊的后bwin体育领导经验. 现在, she’ll make the move from a corporate position to become Centre College’s first ever Rangel Fellowship recipient.

的 Rangel Fellowship will support Kamikazi through a two-year master’s degree in an area of relevance to the 外国服务, 提供广泛的专业发展机会, 实习, 导师和技能培训. 作为项目的一部分, Kamikazi will work this summer for a member of Congress focusing on issues related to foreign affairs. 


“我一直对国际关系很感兴趣, 尤其是我在bwin体育的时候,神风子说. “毕业后,我不知道自己到底想做什么. After a while, I was able to put it together — I would really enjoy working in diplomacy. I had thought about it while at Centre, but I didn't know how to get there. 然后我找到了兰格尔奖学金.” 

兰格尔国际事务项目,由美国政府资助.S. 由霍华德大学管理, is as prestigious and highly competitive as they come in foreign service fellowships: In 2022, 该项目只颁发了45个奖学金. 今年有1267名申请者. 

在2025年夏天,美国.S. 美国国务院将派她到海外的一家美国公司工作.S. 在美国大使馆或领事馆获得亲身体验.S. 外交政策. 成功完成课程后, Kamikazi will take the 外国服务 Officer Test with plans to become a U.S. diplomat in the summer of 2026, embarking on what the Rangel Fellowship describes as “这是最有挑战性和最有回报的服务职业之一. She will work to promote peace, prosperity and human dignity around the world.”

“Mary embodies what Rangel is looking for: strong motivation to enter the U.S. 外国服务 and the skills and aptitudes necessary to succeed at graduate school and as a 外国服务 Officer,” 罗伯特Schalkoff他是该bwin体育奖学金办公室主任. “成功的候选人, 像玛丽, 有海外经验和在美国的国际知名度.S., internship or work experiences in the public or corporate sector and show dedicated commitment to public service as students and beyond.”

Kamikazi first arrived at Centre with biology as an intended major and medical school down the line, 但她很快转向了国际研究. Professors like Robert Bosco and Lori Hartmann cultivated Kamikazi’s love for the subject, and an abroad experience in Shanghai cemented her passion — particularly for foreign relations.

“Mary was an intellectually curious student in class; moreover, she was able to effectively integrate the theories and material we were learning in class with her lived experience as a refugee in Africa,哈特曼说. “在我的非洲政治课上, she provided amazing insights and perspectives that enriched the discussion and helped our domestic students better understand the history and politics of the continent.”

Service as a Bonner Scholar played an important role for Kamikazi’s life outside of the College — she noted that her time with the local Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) branch helped integrate her into the local community.

Kamikazi’s complete experience at Centre — from studying abroad to developing a love for International Studies and service as a Bonner Scholar — paints the ideal Rangel Fellow, Schalkoff说.

“Mary is a great example of someone who made the most of her Centre experience, 无论是在教室里还是在教室外, and understood how practical leadership experience in the work environment could help further prepare her for a career in the 外国服务,他说. 

面试过程中, Kamikazi highlighted her willingness to tackle new opportunities and integrate with her community — and her body of work resulted in a door opening in her field of study. 

“听到这个好消息我真的很兴奋,”她说. “I think the Rangel program really liked the various backgrounds I have had. 我在难民办公室实习过, worked in finance and operations — really just a wide variety of perspectives that I was able to showcase what I have learned from each.” 

Her experience at Centre was instrumental in finding her passion, Kamikazi added.

“Dr. Hartmann博士. Bosco really pushed me to be more curious about international studies,” she said. “通过他们的支持和推动, 这让我开始考虑在这个领域工作, 而不仅仅是学习这门学科. Dr. Schalkoff was a treasure to work with — he was more than happy to help me with the application process.”



关于查理二世. 兰格尔国际事务项目

Rangel项目是美国的一个项目.S. Department of State program that aims to enhance the excellence and diversity of the U.S. 外国服务. 始于2003年, the Rangel Fellowship Program selects outstanding young people each year from around the country who exhibit the ideal qualities of a 外国服务 Officer. 霍华德大学管理, the Rangel Fellowship supports those selected through graduate school and professional development activities that prepare them for their careers as 外国服务 Officers. 在学术方面, 项目提供的专业和经济支持, 这些研究员现在在世界各地担任外交官, contributing to a more diverse representation and effective execution of U.S. 外交政策. 更多信息可以在www上找到.rangelprogram.org. 



Students interested in exploring the world of fellowships are encouraged to contact 罗伯特Schalkoff at fellowships@promisesurfing.net 开始谈论他们的目标和激情. 的 office also shares information via email about opportunities that are specific to class cohorts from first-year students to seniors.