Atkins Scholars find research interests across careers, backgrounds

作者:Matt Overing

中央学院的2024年阿特金斯bwin体育, 从左至右:Lana Amoudi, Gadde Sudeep, 得蒙哥马利, 艾玛·彼得森, 罗蕾莱沃特森. 图中没有:阿瑟·詹金斯23岁.

bwin体育学院J.H. and Artie Atkins Scholars 研究 Program is to prepare students for future academic and professional endeavors.

阿特金斯bwin体育项目于2021年启动, thanks to a generous grant from the James Graham Brown Foundation. It helps students prepare for a lifetime of active leadership that contributes to an equitable society and a more just, 包容多元的世界.

Scholars work closely with faculty advisors on yearlong research projects focused on analyzing or engaging one of the following areas:

  • Underrepresented groups or marginalized identities; or spaces and dynamics of privilege.
  • 不公平、不公正、抵抗或赋权的制度.
  • Theories or practices of inclusion, equity or social justice.

Rising senior 得蒙哥马利 noted that her Atkins research helped motivate her to build community.

 “I absolutely feel as though Atkins has better equipped me to integrate equity and inclusion practices into my career and future,蒙哥马利说. “The value of social science research has only become clearer to me, and the explicit call that my research serve a tangible purpose on campus was an important part of orienting my academic pursuits to community impact.”

 Montgomery will serve as the student government president at Centre in 2024-25.

 “我的项目是关于归属感和社区建设, and along the way I feel like my community grew around me in such beautiful ways,蒙哥马利说. “I'm not sure I would have engaged with the people and resources available to me in this way were it not for the opportunity — and excuse to reach out — that Atkins provided me.”

For 艾玛·彼得森,2025届毕业生, her experience as an Asian-American in Kentucky fueled her research — and her sense of belonging in a state that she found lacks historical research around her identity.

我想上法学院, and a huge part of this research was independently thinking, researching and digging into a topic that isn’t super talked about,彼得森说. “One thing I tell people through this project, it’s a lifelong pursuit on my end. I’m never going to stop being Asian-American— I love Kentucky, and I want to stay here. I want people who are Asian who live in Kentucky to feel like they can stay here or move here. 

“这是一段超级有趣的旅程. I have this issue — sometimes I feel like my research is not valuable and not needed, 尤其是从我这样的角度来看. My Asian identity has always been something I really struggled with — I was adopted and raised in a white household, but I'm never going to be white, right? This research project really allowed me to grasp that identity.”

24岁的罗蕾莱·沃森, 学院电子竞技队的成员, 把这段经历带到了她的阿特金斯研究中.

“通过这项研究, I've conducted a thorough examination of the conditions affecting women and other marginalized groups,沃森说. ”因此, I firmly believe that by cultivating a robust body of knowledge on this subject, we can pave the way for concrete solutions to address these issues.”

Lana Amoudi ’24 noted how her project on identity as a philosopher will aid in postgraduate plans.

“My research has cultivated the analytical skills necessary for law school,” Amoudi said. “I feel as though I am better equipped to read between the lines — that is, 在密集的文本中说了什么,没说什么. I will be better prepared to critically decipher the detrimental gap between written and enforced law that perpetuates today's color of the law in both interpersonal and institutional practices.”


Lana Amoudi, 24岁



Advisor: Eva Cadavid, Cantrell Associate Professor of Philosophy





Advisor: Aaron Godlaski, associate professor of psychology and behavioral neuroscience

项目: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty in Schools: Investigating the Positive Impact of Professional Wellness Program in Low-Income Public Schools




Advisor: Jonathon Earle, Grissom Associate Professor of Social Studies

项目:乌干达的同性恋恐惧症和反lgbtq +行动





Advisor: Jamie Shenton, associate professor of anthropology

项目: Active Reflection on Study Abroad: Negotiating Student Belonging for Underrepresented Students at Centre and Away





指导老师:Anwesha Kundu,英语助理教授

项目: 亚裔肯塔基人的历史与身份





指导老师:Kaelyn Wiles,社会学副教授

项目: Examining the Treatment and Portrayal of Women in Online Video Games: A Critical Analysis

上图:2024年阿特金斯bwin体育队列, 从左至右:Lana Amoudi, Gadde Sudeep, 得蒙哥马利, 艾玛·彼得森, 罗蕾莱沃特森. 图中没有:阿瑟·詹金斯23岁.